Project videos

Thanks to SCT Mexico for publishing this nice video showing their new ATC simulator (featuring Imagine IG):

Imagine IG is also used on the Royal Navy HMS Queen Elizabeth, below a F35BW flypast video showing the aircraft carrier as rendered in the IG:

Eurosatory 2016 demo available as video

Eurosatory 2016 is now over. The new demo we presented on our booth has been well received, we got a lot of visitors on our booth: it has been a very successful exhibition for us !
As usual, we decided to make a video out of that demo. It can be watched directly below. We also uploaded a high quality HD version (1080), it can be downloaded here.

(Imagery courtesy of IGN, CRAIG and MAPPULS, Kanton Zurich / 3D models courtesy of Micro Nav)

Download the hi-quality 1920x1080 60Hz video file

CIGI support

We are proud to announce that Imagine IG now supports CIGI (Common Image Generator Interface). The Common Image Generator Interface (CIGI) is an interface designed to promote a standard way for a host device to communicate with an image generator (IG) in the simulation industry.

While our C++ SDK still remains a perfect choice to integrate Imagine IG into new projects, the new CIGI support allows easy drop-in replacement of an obsolete IG with nearly no effort.

Our implementation supports all common functionalities of CIGI (versions 3.0 / 3.1 / 3.2 / 3.3). We have also added some significant improvement over the collision detection capabilities offered by CIGI.

CIGI support is implemented through a fully documented plugin. Don't hesitate to contact us for further details !

Ultra high resolution imagery

We have recently got our hands on ultra high resolution imagery, consisting in 10 cm/pixel aerial imagery and 50 cm/pixel elevation data. The data cover the whole Zurich canton (CH).
The data have been successfully integrated in a scene in a couple of minutes, and then automatically processed.
The result is really amazing, as shown in the screenshot below. Please note no manual operation have been performed.
Thanks to the Canton of Zurich for providing such high quality open data !

Support for SRTM 1 arc second data set (30m)

We have added support for the SRTM 1 arc second dataset, which has been recently released by NASA (link).
The improved resolution makes a noticeable difference, especially in mountainous areas such as the Alps, where the crests are much better defined. See below a comparaison screenshot between the new 30m dataset and the previously used 90m dataset:

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