CIGI support

We are proud to announce that Imagine IG now supports CIGI (Common Image Generator Interface). The Common Image Generator Interface (CIGI) is an interface designed to promote a standard way for a host device to communicate with an image generator (IG) in the simulation industry.

While our C++ SDK still remains a perfect choice to integrate Imagine IG into new projects, the new CIGI support allows easy drop-in replacement of an obsolete IG with nearly no effort.

Our implementation supports all common functionalities of CIGI (versions 3.0 / 3.1 / 3.2 / 3.3). We have also added some significant improvement over the collision detection capabilities offered by CIGI.

CIGI support is implemented through a fully documented plugin. Don't hesitate to contact us for further details !
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68500 Guebwiller
Phone: +33 (0)3 89 82 00 87