Happy New Year 2011 !

First of all, Imagine would like to wish you a happy, healthy and successful new year 2011 !

We realize we haven’t updated the website for quite a long time. Fortunately for Imagine, this lack of update wasn’t due to some poor business year; we actually had a very busy period, with new customers using our IG, new products being released on the market, and many new features/improvements added to our existing products. Below a quick sum-up of what happened last year !

New products

We have been developing two new products last year, along with our partner Micro Nav. 

  • ADT (Airside Driver Trainer) is a simulator suite for training airport drivers.
  • AMT (Aircraft Marshalling Trainer) is a simulator for training aircraft marshaling.

You might visit MNL website (AMT and ADT) for further information on these two products !

New IG features

We have built numerous improvements in the IG, either performance or quality improvements, but also fixes.

In addition to that, we have added many new features, most important being: 

  • Sand storms
  • Tornadoes
  • SpeedTree™ integration for realist and fast trees rendering
  • Jet barriers
  • Gamma-correct pipeline
  • More precise low-visibility implementation
  • Improved user interface in tools (Qt replacing wxWidgets)
  • Sound support 

New customers

  • Indonesia (ADT & AMT)
  • Tanzania (IG)
  • Kuwait (IG) 
  • PANSA (Poland - IG)
  • Entry Point North (Sweden – IG)
  • DCA (Malaysia – IG)


We hope 2011 will be as successful as 2010 !

Thanks to all of you for trusting our products ! 

170 rue de la république
68500 Guebwiller
Email: info@imagine3d.fr
Phone: +33 (0)3 89 82 00 87